CRIADO Y ESPEJO ABOGADOS is a law firm located in Montilla (Córdoba). Since its creation in 1975, CRIADO & ESPEJO ABOGADOS has gathered professionals with first-hand knowledge of the legal environment and devoted to give clients effective and serious services. It also has office in the city of Córdoba and serves on the entire national territory.


The Law Firm has progressively development its team, C&E Abogados has been able to consolidate its position in Andalusia, by means of a balanced dynamic between specialization in traditional areas with expansion and adaptation to the new times, with view to offer clients the services they necessitate with the required quality.


We offer our client direct and personalised attention, permanent communication and information, adaptation of our structure to their needs, with a characteristic flexibility that is our competitive advantage.



Criado & Espejo





Phone - Email - Location

Montilla - C/ Puerta de Aguilar 53-1º B 14550

Córdoba - C/ Caño 12-5º B 14001

Tfno. 957-65-64-07 Fax. 957-65-16-09